Crock Pot Cheeseburger Soup is a hearty slow cooker soup recipe loaded with ground beef, diced hash brown potatoes, chopped green onions, mozzarella and...
Author: Erin
Crock Pot Chicken Stew is a hearty slow cooker dinner recipe loaded with chicken thigh chunks, russet potatoes, carrots, onions and corn all cooked in...
Author: Erin
Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing is a hearty slow cooker dinner recipe made with boneless, skinless chicken thighs and Stove Top stuffing mix.
Author: Erin
Your house will smell amazing with this Crock-Pot potato soup. The slow cooker makes this meal super-easy: Just dice a few fresh ingredients, pop 'em into...
Author: Zina Harrington
This meal is perfect for a special family gathering (when you want to spend your time visiting, not cooking), a day when your schedule feels packed, or...
Author: Zina Harrington
Crock Pot Salisbury Steak is an easy slow cooker ground beef dinner recipe.
Author: Erin
3 Ingredient Crock Pot Pork Chops are an easy slow cooker dinner recipe made with condensed cream of mushroom soup and ranch dressing mix.
Author: Erin
This Slow Cooker Mongolian Beef cooks to melt-in-your-mouth tender! Studded with onions, green peppers and shredded carrots, this Asian weeknight meal...
Author: Jenni
No longer stand over a hot pot with this slow-cooker boiled peanuts recipe.
Come home to creamy Crock-Pot Au Gratin with this recipe from
We love slow cooker desserts, and in this self-saucing slow cooker sticky toffee pudding is one of our favourites